Marketing Tips for Small Businesses: 4 ways to market your business for free!
“People will feed off of your energy and encourage you by spreading the word and referring people to you or by becoming customers themselves!”
AUTHORS NOTE: Yes, I truly believe that marketing is an investment. If executed properly businesses see great returns. But not all businesses can afford to dish out $25000 to buy air time, even if they should. From time to time, we need to be reminded that some of the most effective forms of marketing are free.
This is the second article in the Marketing Tips for Small Businesses series that we dedicate to entrepreneurs and marketing managers working in start up companies. As you know, small businesses are in a constant struggle to optimize the use of what little financial resources are available to them. If this sounds like a situation that you are currently facing, then you might find this article refreshing. Because the following marketing tips won’t cost you one CENT to implement! And if money isn’t an object for your business, then I hope that this article will remind you that some of the most proven effective ways to market your business are free.
Yes, "marketing" and "free" can be used in the same sentence!
1. Be honest.
Market research reveals that consumers don’t accord a high level of trust to businesses. So, I say give them a reason to trust you. It sounds so simple. So straightforward. But honestly, being honest with yourself, your employees, subcontractors, partners and ESPECIALLY your clients, is the best way to build a great reputation for your business.
“Market research reveals that consumers don’t accord a high level of trust to businesses. So, I say give them a reason to trust you.”
Before long, clients will provide you with referrals and people will be spreading positive word of mouth about your company. The great part about all of this is that being honest doesn’t cost you a penny and the payoff is incredible!
2. Strive to exceed client expectations.
Another great way to create very satisfied customers is by going above and beyond what they expect of you. This is precisely why dealerships wash your car free of charge when they service it, or why banks offer you coffee while you wait for your appointment. Imagine that your snow removal company was to take a few extra minutes to brush the snow off of your car? Wouldn’t you be more likely to recommend them? Wouldn’t you be more willing to sign up with them next year? Exceeding your clients’ expectations will foster their satisfaction, which will increase their loyalty and their propensity to spread positive word of mouth about your business.
3. Be a perfectionist.
It’s all in the details. And customers notice when companies are detail-oriented. They can tell when a restaurant’s napkin color matches that of their logo and when the customer washroom is equipped with 2-ply toilet paper! Steve Jobs was an extreme perfectionist. Some thought that he went slightly overboard when fussing over small details such as Apple computers’ text font and internal hardware layout/design. Perhaps, the small details are what make Apple products so great. So take the extra time needed to make things perfect. They will not go unnoticed.
4. Be passionate.
Passion is downright contagious and people can tell when you love what you do. So, one of the best ways to market your business is by demonstrating your passion for it. Tell people about what you do, show them how enthusiastic you are about your business, your products/services and your upcoming projects. People will feed off of your energy and encourage you by spreading the word and referring people to you or by becoming customers themselves!
Nothing is ever really free.
That's right! Nothing can be had for nothing. Marketing your business in these ways won't cost you financially, but will require your time and effort. Like money, they too are limited resources and they're, in most cases, even more precious than the former.
But hey, you love what you do! Your passion will fuel your crazy attention to detail and your willingness to go above and beyond what clients' expect of you.
So, be straight-forward, go the extra mile, be OCD and continue spreading your love for what you do! It will pay off.
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Meet the author.
Taro Abarbanel-Uemura
Marketing Strategist
Meet Fortified Marketing's founder and lead marketing consultant. Taro loves reading fascinating articles on various marketing-related subjects, just as much as he enjoys writing about them. When he isn’t savouring a latte while working on his newest blog post, he can be found at a coffee shop in Ottawa's Little Italy, or marathoning shows and documentaries on Netflix.